Chicken soup

Thank you to so many who write and send messages of encouragement daily. I cannot express enough how special this all means to me.  God bless you!
Since chemotherapy on Monday, my body has been going through different reactions such as no appetite, body pain, leg restlessness, some numbness, and fatigue.  But, as everyday goes by, I feel stronger and more capable of movement and social interaction.  At times, I lag or have nausea, and I feel some discouragement, but only for a while as many are cheering me on. 
I appreciate so much the sharing and great advice for my body and soul.  My children are like chicken soup -- so healing and comforting, caring for my needs and desires (yes, even tempting recipes and foot massages).  Parents who love and pray without ceasing...what warriors!  My wonderful husband who reaches out across the oceans, wanting to know every detail, sharing concoctions that sound so restorative and scientific.. smile.  So, so many who show love in outstanding ways.  Love has expanded and exploded, sharing all its drops and refreshment to my soul.  Healing rain.
Today was a first for me -- wig shopping!  What an experience to go into a salon, look through wigs of various colors, fibers and sizes. Human hair, artificial, hand sewn, special caps, on and on. I never knew. Well, ultimately I must face the fact that my hair will be falling out.  No-one really thinks of those things until.... and yes, today was that day.  I was surrounded by a room full of laughter, shared pain and compassion of family. God you are so good to me. You hold my hand through these moments that you know are defining and complex for me to face -- you did it for me and I am overwhelmed by your bounty. 
I am ready for the next step because you are with me, you will never leave me nor forsake me.  YOU ARE A GOOD God who heals, restores, refreshes and knows exactly who I am, down to the fibrous nerve endings, hair follicles and white blood cells, moulding and making me into what You want me to become. 


  1. Hi Colleen!
    We just want to tell you that we love you and keep on praying for you in this challenging time. The news were shocking especially because you are such good and close friends to us, although our works have kept us separated during the past years. Here is a familiar encouraging song, but this time with an African touch. For us the song has double meaning. On top of the idea of God raising us up, we are sure that all the thousands of Ugandan and Kasubi children that you have taken care of would sing this to you as well.

    With love, your "pihi pulla" friends ;)

  2. Hi Colleen, I have been keeping up to date on you through my loving sister Vi. Please know that you have been and continue to be daily on my mind and heart. Whenever I think of you I breathe a prayer to God who is all knowing and all powerful and full, full, full of love. Love you. Fern


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