Joy fills me -- stomach to chest; bubbling out, overflowing, then through my lips and out into the air. I am loved, known and cherished by this King. What more is required in life -- than to be known and loved? Simple yet powerful concepts, yet lost on so many who yet seek for them.
"The heavens declare the glory of God,
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge."
Ps. 19:2
Yes, it is all around us, soaking into us, quenching and captivating us. His glory proclaimed through His creation. Jehovah -- you are to be praised -- "from the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same...Your name is to be praised!"
Yes, I feel the joy over pain this morning, as I think about His goodness. After two rounds of chemotherapy, seeing the C125 count going down, yet once again -- to 9.5. It is exciting to see the changes that occur. Cancer is dying out and fresh starts begin. God is good! Body reacts to this liquid chemical pumping in, circulating in and around these tenuous veins. Killing, cleaning, wiping out, allowing the regrowth within. Reactions emerge -- tingling toes and fingers, hazy eyes, bits of nausea, headaches, and unsteadiness. But, better, and each day gaining ground, reaching towards total health and repair.
What a week this has been. A reunion and surprise of special friends from Europe, then Manitoba -- laughter, good memories, embraces -- all therapeutic medicine for the soul. Joy has run me over and through... am so blessed.
35 years of marriage to the love of my life - together in good and bad, challenging and joyous -- God has been the Rock and Cornerstone of our union. As years go by, the sweeter love grows.
These milestones and markers remind one of experiences and remembrances that make life what it is. The daily steps that keep us focused on what's ahead.
The countdown is on and 16 more weekly chemotherapy sessions to go. My body is broken...yes, BUT strong enough to fight it through. Knowing I am not alone makes the struggle worth it all. As Paul said so eloquently in 2 Corinthians 4:8-10:
"We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies."
Unity of this bond, this journey, this fixed goal, has brought fellowship -- sweet, building, and binding through the expansive God family. Today, yes, JOY is within and without. I accept the challenge and step back into the ring to work this fight, step by step, day by day, with hands in mine. Encouraged, ready, braced, and equipped -- forward we go!
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