Down, but not out! Aug 8, 2014

The giddiness of success screeches to a halt! A phone call can bring one's fluttering heart to a standstill. My white blood count (WBC) has dropped below 1 again. No chemo unless my blood is tested to see if it rose during the night.  Lord - please help me to continue my course of treatment. I don't want a delay. Again, it is in your Hands -- my body is yours and you know BEST! 

Puzzles are man's best friend for learning patience. So rather than fret, puzzle time it is.  It's wonderful there are things to keep patients busy while they wait. Time ticks by, and piece by piece the puzzle is joined until we complete this specific one that has been laying there for 3 weeks. Happiness in this small task of completion is so random. Smile.

"When life throws you lemons, make lemonade.."  
                            Dale Carnegie

Finally, I hear my name -- is it a go ahead? YES! It has risen to 1.1. A whisper of thanks is said to Him who knows every tiny whisp of hair on my head. Entering the treatment area, there is a nice, quiet corner where the next couple of hours is spent. The process begins that I am now familiar with, and prepared for; names spelled and rechecked, hook-up to the port, blood pressure and pulse taken, pill under the tongue for relaxation, first bag of chemical liquid pulled onto the IV stand, and away we go! 

Sleep comes pretty quick. It has not been my friend these days. I am tired and Benadryl does its' job. Suddenly, there is a jarring from sleep and the sound of clanging bells! Startled, confused as to my whereabouts, I see my daughters eyes reassuring me. All is well. It is but a triumphant moment for one of the patients in the treatment room. She has finished her final round and is done. Everyone cheers as she rings the bells again and again, victorious in her achievement of ending chemotherapy treatment. 

I know my day is coming too, and what a day that will be!! I rejoice with her and know how special this day must be. Rejoice and again I say rejoice!! For what was diseased and ugly has now been healed! 

"When I consider your heavens, 
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, 
which you have set in place, 
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?"
Psalms 8:3-4 

The low blood count makes me sluggish and weak this time. My body is reacting in various ways and rest is needed. Learning and adapting is continual, and my prayer is that these next weeks will go smoothly. God has been so good to me, and has given me strength and overall, good health. This body is taking in so many different drugs, all to rid it of this cancerous cell. Every week now, I need Neupogen injections to boost my WBC in order to continue the chemotherapy. Once again, God has stood in the gap and the excessive costs are being covered by the Victory Program. Answers to prayer happen every day! Daily I am reminded of who is in charge, and that this journey is ours together. I am not alone, not in any way! 


  1. God Bless You Colleen!

  2. Hi Sweetheart, This is your old Mom
    Someone has asked if you could please put the date on you blogs from now on :) Hope you are regaining your strength and that your not into making soooo many plans, Take it easy!! You know I love you ?


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