Strengthen the grip! October 2, 2014

Rising early, mind wanders down memory lane... it has been a blur of time swishing by, these past couple weeks. Traveling, exploring, and soaking in all of God's creation. Leaves changing color, slowly detaching from the branches, blazing sunsets taking on colors of warmth and cold. What an amazing world we live in. Eyes to the mountains -- higher, still higher, and God's Hand bestows and blesses from His bounty, His creation, here on Earth. It is for us to take it, breathe it, savor it -- ONLY that! Then worship, glorify, and magnify His goodness, His creativity, and His Spirit.

Time with my gentle man, has filled my very being with love, restoration, and gratefulness. We celebrate our 35 years of marriage, and know that God is with us in so many ways. There is a strong, bright future ahead, and all we need to do is hold onto the strong Hand of the Almighty. The course before us is our journey, yes, but, one called, committed, and poured out -- for the one who summoned us, many years ago for His work. Lots of water is under the bridge -- many trials, hard days, then so many wonderful days -- all faced together, sharpening, mellowing, and drawing us closer together. God has blessed our union with wonderful family, friends, and bonds that will never be broken.

Time waits for no-one, and again.. goodbyes are before us. The air chills, hands clasp in farewell, hugs growing cold as the bird takes to the sky...and with it -- him. Til' we meet again... heart feels heavy, and knows absence is not for the weak of heart. I must strengthen the grip in His faithful, strong hand, that will not let go....

"Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end."
I Cor 13 4-7 the Message

I am so blessed, and loved -- life is good, even with the hurts, and hard things. Bitter to the sweet. I know that my cup is full, overflowing, and for that I am very thankful. 

This week, I have completed eleven weeks of chemotherapy, and have seven more to go. I am closing in on the goal, straight ahead -- eyes linked on that final November day. Strength and determination are there fixed... steady... and focused. The circle of love around, staying the course, steady hands on the throttle -- my destination is near.  

I know prayer from around the globe has made such a difference. I thank each one of you over and over for being there, praying, encouraging, and loving on our family. I KNOW it has made the difference, I KNOW that God is using you -- for such a time as this! May God bless you richly for joining this circle. 

I have been around, seen a lot in these months, heard of many who have not made it through their treatments, and I am grateful that God has allowed me this gift of extra time. Every day is a treasure to be enjoyed. There is a purpose for all of this, and God alone knows -- and I trust Him completely. 

Choose to find hope in God during your darkest trials.
Choose to praise God in the middle of your storm.
Choose to find a reason to smile and be grateful
even when you are in the midst of heartbreak or loss.
And never forget that even when your life is out of control, it is always in full control in the hands of God.   - Sandy Beck

As seasons come and go, the clock ticks on, and this chapter of my life will end. I question, query, and ponder on all that has passed by, and what will be ahead. I hold on to the things I know, for that is all I have at this moment in time. The basic things that we take so forgranted, are the ones we cling to most during times of uncertainty. "Faith, hope, and love -- these three things will last forever..." I Cor 13:13


  1. Colleen,
    Thank you so, so much!!!!!

  2. Just at the National Convention of the German Church of God in Fritzlar this weekend. At our workcamp stand it’s quite moving to meet dozens of ex-travelers and hundreds of child sponsors. So many have asked how you are doing, Colleen, so your post comes perfectly and has encouraged us to continue in prayer and faith for your restoration.
    A new group is forming for the next trip to Uganda in March 2015. Our specific prayer is to meet you there for a great celebration as you help us support the suffering and Church! God Bless!


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