Gift of time! September 14, 2014

Recipes...the blending and mixing of different ingredients to bring about a desired consistency and result. Baking in the oven, browning, reaching perfection.... almost ready. The aroma of something sweet ... the mouthwatering anticipation of what will be...

The oven door opens -- the finished product announced! Then, the wait for cooling to take place. Eager hands reach for the first slice... the taste, Oh! What enjoyment! Mmmm! The joy of creation, and job satisfied.

Simple pleasures, basic needs, and awareness of senses, are gifts! Time was created for us to use and enjoy. The spaces of light and shadow, of cold and warm... nose tipped into the coolness of the day -- breathing in, moistness, clean, crisp. Where has the day gone? What has been accomplished? Sand drains through the hour glass -- grain by grain. Time passes... what memories have been made?

Life, the journey... avails an enormous treasure; it's free, God-moulded --- hands wide open to receive. Plan, organize, spaces filled with chunks of time... our compass is set, our direction before us, and then, in a flash it is past. Footprints have been impressed into this earthy brown soil...but, what sign is there that I have been.... have existed, have contributed?

More aware then ever, this flow of time has become a rhythm in my existence. Life is for the taking, enjoying, sampling, and fulfilling. Precious time with God, family, friends, and nature -- co-exist for pleasure and purpose. God is wisdom, all-knowing, loving, and patient. He gives us moments, to set our feet, grounded, towards His eternal prize. Why waste, squander, or pass by His ultimate gift? Like the baking, we have been formed, and styled with intent. Our purpose -- for God's delight! 

Time will offer us moments of goodness, sadness, and hardship. It is the passing through, the "taking on", the focused handling, that will leave our mark on earth. I wish to savour, worship, embrace, and devour all that God has put on my path -- for He is faithful, and He is love.

This week has been a blessing in many ways. The goodness of being with my husband again, improved health, my C125 tumour marker dropping to 7.3, a warm house through the snow storm, food on the table.....all bring thankfulness, and remembered events. His Word is constant in my life, and daily I feel its comfort as it nourishes, refreshes, and sustains.

"Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens:  They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?"
Luke 12:22-26

This is THE time...let life play on!


  1. How true and real. So mundane and yet special beyond understanding: Today - a Sunday. Filled with deep peace amidst a world overflowing with turmoil, family, friends, quiet, worship, understanding, replenishment.
    And this day is not over yet! In the calm of a crisp fall night I relish the gift of life. The nearness of Him who gave it to me. Thanks for the short reminder, Colleen!

  2. Thank you for your encouraging reminders Colleen. Every day is a gift and should be cherished as we wait upon our Lord to reveal Himself...even in the small things. May your healing continue and the time with family be multiplied. You are loved!

  3. Perspective! How you help me regain perspective of the bigger picture of life. Trusting God for your full and complete healing and recovery and blessing on your continued witness and giving even through the toughness of this part of your journey. THANK YOU, Colleen! Love to you and your family, Julie


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