Recover, heal and fight onwards!

Step by step... little by little.. patiently wait.... these are phrases that I am learning to understand a wee bit more. Still a student in every way -- learning, stumbling, reacting, and stretching to new and deeper layers of human rawness. 
Going through surgery last week, I felt equipped, ready for battle, surrounded by prayer warriors, the strong and brave hearted.  Uplifting steady hands, and confident that what was to come would be again -- more healing.  Dressed in the amazingly stylish hospital gown, with the gorgeous blue slippers that win fashion shows... just kidding... and gently being held by my husband until the countdown... of walking down the hall into the theatre for the de-bulking surgery.  The anaesthetists talking to me in hushed, calm tones and surrounded by many I have not met and will unlikely ever meet again...  all smiling down on me as I fade into a foggy cloud of sleepiness. 
It is all in His hands -- The Healer and Great Surgeon. He is in full control as Doctors delve into my abdomen and surrounding cavities; searching, finding and removing cancerous, dead cells entwined with various organs that I no longer need. They have shrunk down from the chemotherapy and can now be taken. 

"My flesh and my heart may fail
But God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
Ps. 73:26 

 2 1/2 hours pass, and they are done with surgery. Next is recovery where another 3 1/2 hours are spent. Grogginess with immense pain are my first sensations as a nurse tries to shake me awake.  Immediately there are vitals, questions, and confirmation that all has gone well and family is waiting to see me.  One step closer to the journeys' end... I am so ready for that!  
Spending 5 days in the hospital was enough for me, even though the care was exceptional. During that time, I was told the surgery was a success, removing what was necessary. My abdominal cut is around 11" long and is clamped together with 49 staples, which makes walking around a challenge.  
I am amazed at the way the body can heal and fight for life... it is strong and intricately made by the Master Craftsman, and again I see God.

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body 
and knit me together in my mother's womb.
Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvellous -- how well I know it."   Ps. 139:13,14

So, now what is next? Well, recovery from surgery which is around 4 weeks, then a meeting with the doctor to see how well things are progressing. Then, 18 more weeks of chemotherapy, which will be administered on a weekly basis. This is to finish off anything that might be left inside including the spot on the liver that is still a concern.  
Prayer and God's grace surely has made it possible to come this far,  So much gratefulness to those who continually lift up this situation to the Lord and encourage in the ongoing struggle. 
As is said in Luganda language, "Genda mpola mpola" (go slowy, slowly)  That is me!


  1. So glad to finally hear your "voice" and heart! And the encouraging news! Still sending love and prayers your way! Jenni

  2. So glad to finally hear your "voice" and heart! And the encouraging news! Still sending love and prayers your way! Jenni

  3. Great news and another dose of HOPE and thanksgiving- we praise God with you for His abundant and full blessing of healing and care for you, Colleen. Keep up the good work and continue to lean in closely to the heart of God to feel it's beat and His whispers to you.
    Lots of love and prayers - Julie

  4. Lots and lots of people praying for you, asking about you, thanking God for you, Colleen. Thanks for your continued posting. We support you in prayer and look upon Him for those signposts into the future. So proud of your Kids and evven Tim as they support you (for a change ;) ) Hopeful to see you again soon!

  5. So many stages of healing to go through, each one stronger than the last. I am so proud of you for taking on this battle so bravely. We learn grace through your courage. Hugs to you!

  6. Lots of love and prayers - Audrey


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