Looking back in time - How far God has brought me!

Looking back in time is not so bad, especially when we do so to learn something or to remind ourselves where we have come from! Today during our devotional time, I was reminded again that God has walked with me, and at times carried me through some pretty hard, dark days. In looking back, I feel so fortunate that many have stood there, praying and making sure I did not feel alone. There is power in unity and hope! Family, church family, friends, colleagues -- have cared, loved and reached out to let me know they were there. There is so little I can do in return, but be thankful and acknowledge this!

I have seen and experienced many things that have been overwhelming and immensely hard to bear -- but, knowing I was not alone, I have been able to go forward in courage and in Christ's power. I have stood knowing that "I could hide beneath the shadow of your wings until the danger passed by.." Psalms 57:1. I could "cry out to God Most High, to God who [would] and will fulfill His purpose for me" Ps. 57:2. Hallelujah!
The surgery that was slated for July 18th, was performed by a great liver surgeon. Everything that was to be done was completed. He took my spleen out, in addition to removing lesions pocketed around the liver. His team basically "scooped" out areas around the liver surface that had any signs of cancer or dead cancer (from chemotherapy). They checked the other organs in the vicinity and found no other signs of cancer. Everything they removed was sent for a biopsy. I was operated and recuperated in Foothills Hospital in Calgary and was treated with kindness and care. Family and friends who came to visit were very loving and caring and this contributed to a quick recovery. I was discharged a week later. It was especially nice to have my husband around for this critical time, and this too was a gift from God that it was possible.

Some days were very painful and arduous, but through it all, healing occurred and wounds sealed up, masses receded, appetite and strength returned, leading to health restored. I began giving myself daily blood thinning injections and was called in to our local clinic to begin the inoculation process due to the absence of my spleen. The spleen has natural immunities that help the body resist disease and viruses, and since mine was removed, there is the need to be immunized in order to assist in warding them off. I have not completed the whole series yet, but at least I have begun. After three weeks of rest and recuperation, my system's ability to function as it should was almost back to normal. Sadly, I am still coping with dreadful back and leg pain. Daily I commit this to the Great Healer. "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness". II Cor. 12:9


Last week, the monthly review was scheduled with the liver surgeon. Little did we know what would come from that appointment. First the surgeon checked to see how I was doing, and said that all looked good. Then, our questions came, and finally he showed us the biopsy results-- it was such great news! It showed that there was no alive cancer cells left in the spleen or any of the spots removed on the liver! Praise God! I asked the surgeon if he saw results like this very often, and his response was, "not at all, in fact this is very rare"! He was very pleased with the results and so were we!
The next day, in calling the Oncology department, I shared the findings from the biopsies with my oncologist's nurse. She and the head oncologist for my case had just been talking about my situation and they were amazed. She shared how my oncologist, who had been overseeing my case from the first bout of cancer, had almost hit the floor with such surprise! God has been at work, and when we least expect it, He shows His power and might. It is exciting how Christ can reveal Himself through various reports and medical expertise -- that even doctors can see for themselves, the miracles in the evidence before them. God is a good God and so true to His word. I am so thankful that He has shown Himself through the good medical advice and great surgeons! In all things - HE is good!

Now, the waiting begins.... The tumor board at the Cancer Treatment Center will sit to discuss this case of mine. They say it is unique and they want to look at all that has happened, compile the reports and biopsies, then with a consensus, recommend the way forward. This will go to the oncologists on my case, and from there, the recommendations will be presented to us. There are basically two choices to be made -- (1) To say my treatment is done as the CA125 is down to 15 points, and there is no evidence of cancer in my body, OR (2) A continuation of chemotherapy to make sure all the cancer is really gone, as there could be some cells still hanging around in my system. This is what it boils down to -- and this is something we need to pray through. Our prayer request is that you would pray for us as we wait for the tumor board and oncologists recommendation. That God would reveal through the medical advice, His wisdom -- the way forward. We want Him to be in all our decisions.

Praying that every appointment, every discussion, and every opportunity we have, will allow a sharing of Christ, for that is the ultimate goal. I want people to see Jesus - not me, and for others to know His goodness and power -- of His saving grace! If something good can come from this cancer journey, let it be that Christ is revealed to others who need Him. I continue to seek His will, despite many days when I feel too broken to be of any good. But, He is made perfect in my weakness.... I seek to live an abundant life, and as Ann Voskamp shares in her devotional (The Way of Abundance) "God doesn't call you to a convenient life; He calls you to an important life. And a life of importance isn't found in a life of convenience." 

I pray through this sharing, that you may see Jesus -- He is the way, the truth and the life -- and gives meaning to our existence. May He be enough!


  1. Praise God! To Him be the glory!! Wonderful news and our prayers continue!

  2. Hallelujah! So pleased to read your good news. I am inspired by your honest, sharing. Thank you.

  3. So amazing to be able to read your story and see God's fingerprints all the way through! So thankful for the good news and we will continue to pray for the conclusion at your next appointment. -love the Brundages


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